Migrating PDP-11 Systems to Industry-Standard Hardware

A PDP-11 can be virtualized (emulated) on a modern computer, which allows the existing operating system, its software, and all applications to be run without change. No
reprogramming is required. Most customers report that the emulated system is faster than the original. Original hardware can be supported via a modern PCI card.
Charon-PDP for Windows
Charon-PDP can emulate the following systems:
- PDP-11/93
- PDP-11/94
Supported peripheral devices include:
- Disk controllers: RQDX3 (MSCP), UDA50 (MSCP), RL11, RLV12
- Tape controllers: TQK50, TS11, TSV11, TSV05, TUK50
- Network adapters: DELQA, DESQA, DEQNA
- Video subsystem: VCB02
- Parallel port controller: LPV11
- Serial line controllers: DHV11, DL11, DLV-11, DRV1-WA, DZ11
Supported Operating Systems
These operating systems were sold by DEC for PDP-11:
- Micro/RSX
- RSX-11M
- RSX-11S
Untested Operating Systems
Other operating systems were developed for PDP-11:
- Unix (developed by AT&T) in many flavors
- LSX, adapted from Unix V6
by Dr. Heinz Lycklama
- MERT: Multi-Environment Real-Time
There may have been others developed for special purposes, too. Charon-PDP should be able to run all of them.
Host System Requirements
Charon-PDP can run in the Cloud. For more details, see the Cloud documentation.
Charon-PDP can also run on an Industry-Standard Server. See the Charon-PDP Software Product Description for detailed information.
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