OpenVMS Mascot

OpenVMS and Virtual Systems

Whether you call it VMS, OpenVMS, or VAX/VMS, this operating system is still in use for critical business operations by many companies – large and small.

These facts mean that your investment in software and licenses needs to be protected!  All hardware will fail, it's just a question of when.  By creating a virtual system, you can keep moving forward to the latest hardware and not have to change a thing.  And that new hardware means that your virtual system will keep getting faster as the newest hardware keeps getting faster.

The Charon-VAX and Charon-AXP products run VMS, creating the virtual system you need.

Both of these products pass the hardware test suites to verify that they're a real VAX or Alpha.  Some other things you need:

Charon successfully runs the VMS version of these products:

All DEC compilers (C, Fortran, Macro, etc.) Ingres (off page)
Adabas (off page) MultiNet (off page)
CONNX (off page) TCPware (off page)
Sybase (off page) MASS-11
Oracle RDB (off page) Ross System's UserBase
ENVOX, PROVOX and CHIP process control software VAXELN (off page)
MANMAN (off page) CRISP/32 process control software
CODASYL (off page) System 1032 (off page)

Useful Links, Documents, and Whitepapers

Click one of the buttons below for more information on our VAX or Alpha emulation products for OpenVMS systems or to contact us!

Alpha Emulation
VAX Emulation
Contact Quayle Consulting
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