Moving to industry-standard hardware Using Charon Emulation
Replace Aging Hardware With An Industry-Standard Server TODAY!
Charon Runs Existing Code Unmodified
All hardware will fail, it's just a question of when. Hardware maintenance contracts for legacy systems can be expensive – if they are available at all. Replacement parts are expensive and getting harder to find.
Charon products are available for:Charon emulators provide a virtual hardware environment identical to the original machines. The operating system and applications run unmodified. Just copy the existing code and GO!
How it Works: Lift and Shift
It's called "Lift and Shift". The original hardware is in orange. The Charon solution is in dark blue. Charon runs on an industry-standard server or in the cloud.Everything in light blue shifts directly on the top of the Charon solution with absolutely no changes.

It's Easy to Implement!
Here are the Three Simple Steps in an implementation. Small systems can be migrated in a day or two. Large or complex systems may take longer.Proof of Concept
If desired, a Proof of Concept (POC) migration can be done to allow a side-by-side comparison between the original system and the Charon solution.The Charon family of products are manufactured by Stromasys. Quayle Consulting engineers are trained by Stromasys.